Masquerades, traditional dancing troupes storm Houston for 2016 IgboFest


This Saturday, July 16, 2016, starting from 2 pm, the Igbo Catholic Community Center will wear a colorful look when the Ndi-Ichie Youth Cultural Foundation in conjunction with   Ndi-Ichie Global Culture Outreach Project host the 2016 IgboFest. This annual festival brings thousands of guests all over Houston and beyond for a spectacular weekend of fun and excitement.
Cultural performances in this festival are very outstanding, and display famous traditional dance groups, masquerades, and other ethnic entertainers. Other highlights include; Igbo language and folklore competition, children and & young adult dance, fashion shows, and international cuisines. There are also door prizes with over $7,000.00 allotted rewards.


The mission of  Ndi-Ichie Cultural Club and Ndi-Ichie Youth Cultural Foundation, is to reclaim cultural capital where it’s been damaged or lost. Both organizations work as affiliates to empower children, young adults, those who are most impressionable, and those who are most in need to learn and practice. The major focus is on the Nigerian, African diaspora communities as well as the greater Houston.

Ndi-Ichie Cultural Club and Ndi-Ichie Youth Cultural Foundation have used the Igbo culture and the applicable values to project the unique Igbo identity. By rehearsing a set of traditions, they have given the population their Ancestral identity, teaching the true Igbo custom, and passing it on from the older generations to the newer ones, thereby keeping the culture alive and fresh.
The 2015 IgboFest is free, and sponsorship opportunities are open, and available.
For more information, please call or contact:

Ichie Okey Okonkwo, 832-515-1048, Isi-Ichie Chris Ulasi, 832-788-8133; Ichie Uche Onuogu, 713-805-1925; Isi-Ichie ken Chinweze, 713-553-5863; Ichie Tim Ifemedebe, 713-560-4651; or visit the website:

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