Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Governor Greg Abbott are not going to resign. Texans are going to have to beat both Abbott and Cruz-and other Republicans-at the ballot box in 2022 and 2024.
For Texas Democrats to win in 2022 and 2024, the hard work must begin now. The Texas Coalition of Black Democrats needs your help to increase our investments in Black voter registration, issue education, and turn out to help our State move on from the incompetence of Texas Republicans.
The cornerstone to winning Texas in 2022 and 2024-like Georgia Democrats did last November- is investing in maximizing Black voter turnout, especially in rural communities as well as in urban and suburban counties.
Texas has the biggest Black population in our nation and investments by Democratic donors in Texas Black voter registration, outreach, education, and turnout need to be significantly increased starting right now.

If you want to help beat Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Governor Greg Abbott, then please donate to the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats’ Texas Black Democrats PAC right now.
The Texas Coalition of Black Democrats has already started working on winning Texas (in 2022 and 2024) with early investments in targeted statewide digital advertising, campaign schools, a statewide Black voter registration campaign, outreach to Black pastors and churches, and supporting Democratic candidates in this year’s Texas municipal and school board elections all across our state to build a stronger foundation from which to grow Black Democratic voter turnout in 2022 and 2024.
To sustain this strategic infrastructure building, The Coalition needs both small-dollar donors and long-term strategic investment partners.
If Texas Democrats want to achieve and exceed what Georgia Democrats did last November, Texas democratic donors have got to invest and partner with the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats beginning this year.
If we’ve learned nothing else from Stacy Abrams, we should have learned that to maximize Black voter turnout to win, the work and investments must begin early. Elections are won with investments and hard-work done well in advance of an election year.
It’s not enough to curse the dark and complain about the incompetence of Abbott, Cruz, and other Texas Republican leaders – including Patrick and Paxton – we actually have to invest in Black voter turnout to defeat them.
You can help make a difference in Texas right now. Donate today to The Texas Black Democrats PAC. Donate here >>>
Thank you and God Bless Houston. For constructive dialogue, you may contact me directly >>>

State Chairman, Texas Coalition of Black Democrats
Hon. Robinson is the former Chairman, City of Houston Transportation, Technology and Infrastructure Committee; Former Vice Chairman, Houston-Galveston Area Council Transportation Policy Council (H-GAC TPC) and Associate Professor of Public Administration, Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs, Texas Southern University.
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