What Happens After an Auto Accident ?

Patrick C._attorney
By Patrick Chukelu

I met a friend for lunch at a Chinese buffet restaurant on a lazy Sunday afternoon. It amazes me how the restaurant can turn-out profit at $6.99 per person when serving upwards of 100 variety of food ranging from crab legs, raw and fresh oysters to filet mignon. I wonder if they intercept the food right before they are tossed into a dumpster? But, this can’t be because the food is excellent and pretty fresh. Please remind me to ask them were they shop because I’ve been going to the wrong places. Anyhow, the waitress repeatedly refilled my friend’s huge mug with coke and he gulped down as fast as it was refilled. Troubled, I told my friend that he was flirting with diabetes with such high level of sugar intake. Offended, my friend ( who is an ardent Redeemite) screamed at me that, “it is not my portion to have diabetes”. He went on, “ I cancel it in Jesus’ name”. I didn’t see all this coming and I just stared. Upon reflection, was I supposed to have said “Amen” ?

I have news for you. Either you or someone you know will be in a car accident sooner than you think. Hold it….. before you go off on me, this is borne by statistics and actuarial tables. The question is , what to do under such distraugthful circumstance ? Obviously the most important thing is to make sure that everyone is alive and well, but what happens after that? Normally after an accident people will be injured, which is why it is always a good idea to get a lawyer involved. If this is something that you are thinking of doing but you are unsure about who to use, then you could always check out someone like this Rock Hill car accident lawyer to help give you an idea of how a lawyer could help you.

Accidents occur even when we are exercising the utmost care. I currently represent a client who was hit by a commercial vehicle that pushed her vehicle into someone’s house. The commercial driver was unfamiliar with the area and did not even know he had a stop-sign and just drove through. I see people putting on eye-liner while driving in the left speed lane on the freeway. My favorite are those eating their fast food to-go packs balanced between their laps. How about texting or heated phone conversations while driving, speeding while it rains….

When the unfortunate happens, it is normal to be somewhat distraught by the unexpected event. Adrenaline will be high (human natural reaction to threat or trauma). Call the Police to come out and make an assessment of fault for their accident report on the incidence (this will be the first question the insurance company will ask you—even before they ask if you are ok). Sometimes (especially if it is raining) the police may take long to show up or may not show up. Be diligent to take photograph of the positions of the vehicles at the scene (be safety cautious at all times) before they are removed. Your phone camera is of great utility. Sometimes the other driver (if at fault) may admit fault at the scene and offer his insurance information. Go further to ask him to write on a piece of paper and sign that he was at fault in causing the accident (while you are waiting for the Police). In Texas, you can record a conversation that you are a party to without disclosing that you are so recording or without getting the other party’s consent (not so in some other states). So, record the other party’s conversation at the accident scene (before they have the opportunity to formulate and change their recollection of what transpired). When the Police Officer arrives, comport yourself and be respectful in addressing the Officer in explaining what transpired. If injured, make sure you tell the officer because if you don’t he will indicate you are not—-even if he forgets to ask you this question required for his report.

If you tell the officer of your injury, he will ask if you want an ambulance (sometimes the ambulance is triggered by the call to the police). Some folks, though injured, may choose not to ride with the ambulance (some folks’ injuries do not allow them a choice) since they will rather go to their private doctor or drive themselves to the emergency room in their own car. Some people may even prefer to receive treatment from somewhere like StarMed urgent care if they are injured in a crash. The most important action is to seek immediate medical intervention if there is any indication of injury. Some folks that have moved on with their routine have had to go to the emergency hours later when the adrenaline wears off and pain sets in from the trauma. Once you know you are injured, seek professional medical help. Do not choose the self-medication option. The more you explore your cocktail of home remedies, the more you diminish your right of recovery in subsequent adversarial proceeding since the counsel to the negligent party will argue that if you were truly injured by them, you would have sought professional care earlier—-therefore, they will argue that you may have been injured by a different intervening action unrelated to them. I’m guilty of the same self-medication when I keep drinking orange juice for days while miserable with cold—when I can just pop two cold medicines that will give me instant relief.

To the extent that one’s medical condition allows, some folks that were treated at stand-alone emergency centers (as opposed to conventional big hospital emergency rooms where they wait upwards of five hours) have done better financially because some of those smaller emergency centers are doctor-owned unlike the regular bigger hospitals that are statutorily required to be separate from their doctors. In effect, the $200 Million hospital will allocate their overhead to you (the patients) as opposed to being seen by the same ER doctor at the strip-center where his rent is $5,000/month. I have seen ER bills of $12,000 for ER visit after an accident to a regular hospital and have seen $250 visit to those strip-center ER locations for a regular assessment after an accident. (Each care provider will make the needful medical assessment of the patient). In any event, as a lawyer, my job is to beat up on the care providers to reduce their charges for services provided to my injured clients. It is also advisable to give the ER facility your health insurance information (if you have coverage) because your health insurance likely gets preferred group rate and may pay pennies on the dollar charged—-which the hospital will refuse to give you such discount when you try to self pay their bill. Your lawyer will still try to further knock down the already reduced amount paid by your health insurance (when they come for your injury settlement money for their subrogation/reimbursement). Some lawyers will not get involved with the time consuming medical bill reduction negotiation since clients do not pay them for this extra work —which solely increases the client’s recovery on a claim.

Once medical intervention is at a point that the injured can reason, he should contact a personal injury lawyer immediately. Why ? Next time you drive around, take special notice of some insurance companies’ vehicles parked at strategic intersections or even under the overpass and bridges. Do you know why they are parked there? Guess ? Bingo… they are response team. Sort of first responders. Once you call in an accident to the insurance company, they drive-up and catch you at the scene and offer to fix your car and cut you a check for $500 right at the spot. In exchange you sign what looks like a receipt ( but is actually a Release of claims and a waiver of your rights to recover for any injury sustained—known and unknown). Helloooo !!!!! Sometimes, they assure you they are like your good neighbor, that you are in good hands or that they are looking out for you. One fact is that, some of the insurance companies have trained adjusters to deal with the unwary injured naïve claimant who chooses to seek repair of his damaged car, payment of medical expenses, loss wages , disfigurement or pain and suffering. Once the claimant hires an attorney, they get rid of that adjuster to bring a differently trained one in a flip-classification of the file. These are trained advocates positioned solely to pay as little as possible and show maximum profit for the company. It is no walk in the park getting just compensation for your property loss and injury with or without a lawyer. The lawyer’s first battle is establishing liability (even while the extent of the damages or injuries are unkown). This is mostly determined by what the officer’s police report reflects. Get witness statements and your on-the-scene statement and recordings will be critical if your claim is denied. Companies are now selling recording devices attached to cars that can clarify any controversy on fault.

I do not want to bore you on the legal process attendant in an auto accident injury representation. However, it is noteworthy to mention that only the injured client (not the lawyer) has the right to settle a claim. That is , you must consent to settle your case for a specific amount. The lawyer can only inform you of the amount offered and recommend whether you should settle or not. Unfortunately, an injured victim may never be made whole because of the nature of an injury. However, the closest remedy allowed at law is monetary compensation. A good lawyer will zealously seek to ensure adequate compensation since the other side is definitely pulling the other direction to not compensate or compensate as little as possible. Such is the adversarial system we have and everyone is deemed to be fully awake to their rights and obligations. Thus, those who wait to assert their rights are completely time-barred by statute of limitation that precludes them from any recovery they are entitled if they wait too long. Such is the law.

This article is merely an overview and is not intended to substitute for a fact-specific legal advice for a specific situation.

(Attorney Patrick Chukelu : graduated from the University of Houston and has practiced law for over 25 years and represents small business owners, consumers and individuals injured in automobile accidents. He can be reached at 713-270-5533 for questions on this article). Email Contact, please click >>>>>

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